Folks Magazine (Amazon/PillPack)
With a hip-shake and some hustle, cabaret performer Amanda Lynne powers through Type 1 diabetes to keep dance center stage.
When professional burlesque dancer and cabaret performer Amanda Lynne was a teenager, she postponed being admitted to the hospital to attend a dance class.
Lynne, then age 14, had been diagnosed with diabetes at her pediatrician’s office on a Friday. The following Monday, Lynne met with an endocrinologist who shared the results of her pediatrician’s blood test: when measured, her blood sugar was nine times higher than what it should have been.
Alarming as the number was, it was already three days old. By the time Lynne met with the endocrinologist that Monday, her blood sugar had risen to such an extreme that doctors couldn’t even get a reading. . . .
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