Beauty Beyond Psoriasis

Folks Magazine (Amazon/PillPack)

As a beauty blogger, Christina Patrice has made her condition visible to the whole world.

Los Angeles-based blogger Christina Patrice has been fascinated by all things hair since she was in middle school. Throughout adolescence she would visit the beauty shop with an observant eye, asking questions and scrutinizing the many tools and methods available for styling and managing hair. “I feel like I missed my calling to go to cosmetology school,” she says.

Patrice’s interests led to years of personal experimentation with hair tools, colors, and textures, eventually leaving her as an adult with damaged, thinning hair that had started “falling out in gobs.” “I was flat-ironing my hair, 450 degrees, like clockwork every week,” she says. “I would be in the shower going, What the heck is going on? Why is my hair falling out? I laugh at it now. You can’t melt your hair and expect it to stay on your head.”

A self-professed product junkie and recovering flat-iron addict, Patrice, now 31, began her blog The Mane Objective four years ago to document the adventures and occasional misadventures along her journey to healthy hair. . . .

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